Region Västra Götaland investing in a knowledge center in Skaraborg
The project is to further develop a production technical laboratory at ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena, which will strengthen the region’s possibilities for the manufacture of electrical machinery for electric vehicles. The decision to invest SEK 21 million was taken on Thursday 4 June by Region Västra Götaland.
IDC West Sweden applied for the project known as “Further development of a production technical laboratory for electrical drivelines”. The point of departure for the investment will be possibilities and conclusions drawn from projects already completed through the ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena in collaboration with the University of Skövde, Science Park Skövde and manufacturing companies. ASSAR is a node that is receiving greater international recognition.
“The fact that ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena is a node with international excellence entails that the manufacturing companies that work in Västra Götaland can really strengthen their international competitiveness” says Leif Pehrsson, CEO, IDC West Sweden AB.
The aim of the project is to further develop and reinforce the already existing laboratory for driveline systems to electric vehicles by expanding in the open collaborative environment of ASSAR in Skövde. Through the project, ASSAR will be able to take a further step as an international center for research and development within production processes for electrical drivelines. The build-up of knowledge that takes place between manufacturing companies, their suppliers and academic partners is a decisive factor for them to be able to strengthen their positions in international competition.
“Through the public fundings, we will continue to expand the laboratory in ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena in order to support the development of production processes for electrical drivelines for automotive industry. The granted funding firmly establish that ASSAR is a “Center of Excellence” where education, innovation and research excels at providing new solutions for industry” says CEO Leif Pehrsson, IDC West Sweden AB.
“The manufacturing industry is undergoing a huge technological shift in the form of electrification. This technology should be able to be manufactured in Västra Götaland. Resources are needed which will make it possible and strengthen the manufacturing industry. Climate transition demands innovative environments such as IDC and ASSAR. The investment in a production technical lab for electrical drivelines means that important development work that Region Västra Götaland has contributed with for several years can be further intensified” according to Kristina Jonäng, (Center Party), Chairperson, Regional Development Committee of Västra Götaland region.
The collaborative partners hope that this will be the basis for a positive industrial development in Västra Götaland, for a sustainable future industry.
For more information, please contact:
Leif Pehrsson, CEO, IDC West Sweden AB. Tel. 0500-50 25 01
Kristina Jonäng, (Center Party), Chairperson, Regional Development Committee of Västra Götaland region, Tel. 070-867 16 21.
IDC West Sweden is a regional development company that works to strengthen the competitiveness of Skaraborg’s manufacturing industry for a sustainable future industry. The company has 24 co-workers and is owned by 160 small and medium sized industrial companies. The company is a non-profit organisation – all eventual profits are re-invested in the company. Our mission is based on help to self help with funding from, among others, Region Västra Götaland, Skaraborg’s Municipality, Skövde Municipality and Tillväxtverket.
ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena in Skövde is a meeting place in which education, innovation and research give new opportunities for industry. The initiators are Science Park Skövde AB, University of Skövde, IDC West Sweden AB, Volvo Car Corporation and the Volvo Group. ASSAR is part of Science Park Skövde innovation environment.