Mekanvi invests in sustainable production for the future
A company that has received support from ASSAR is Mekanvi in Lundsbrunn, a mechanical workshop that manufactures and repairs tool parts, production equipment and prototypes.
“ASSAR is a very good opportunity for us to get some new ideas in what we do and see what there are for different projects that we can be involved in and drive forward and develop our production in a way that becomes sustainable into the future” says Rebecka Dirfeldt, CEO of Mekanvi.
What Mekanvi has received help with is, among other things, a company analysis. The analysis has resulted in concrete improvements from ASSAR’s side in terms of, for example, Lean, 5S and security, order and order.
“I enjoy developping the company that we saw such potential in. Mekanvi has an incredible breadth and can do so many different things; Anythingfrom a farmer coming in with something drawn on a napkin to very detailed drawings with high precision. We have had customers like Koenigsegg, for example, so there is a very large range in what we can do and we need to be able to be flexible”, says Rebecka Dirfeldt.