Forskningskonferens: Mot en hållbar produktion med människan i centrum
Välkommen till en dag full av inspirerande presentationer av den senaste forskningen inom området Virtual Engineering. Vi tar dig in i framtiden för produktionssystem där hållbarhet och tillförlitlighet med människan i centrum står i fokus. Du kan vara säker på att du lämnar konferensen fylld med många nya tankar och idéer.
När: Onsdagen den 20 september, kl. 09:30 – 15:00
Var: ASSAR Industrial innovation arena, Kavelbrovägen 2B, Skövde
OBS! This conference is in english.
Practical information
This is a hybrid event: When you register, let us know if you want to participate via zoom, or at ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena (how to get there). Of course, you will get the best experience if you spend the day with us at ASSAR.
Preliminary agenda
09:30 – 09:35 Introduction, incl. coffee and sandwich
09:35 – 09:45 VF-KDO (prof. Amos Ng)
09:45 – 09:55 Virtual Ergonomics (prof. Dan Högberg, prof. Lars Hanson, associate prof. Erik Billing)
09:55 -10:10 Virtual Manufacturing Processes (dr. Wei Wang)
10:10 – 10:20 Virtual Production (associate prof. Masood Fathi)
10:20 – 10:25 Short break
Parallel tracks
10:25 – 11:25 Track A [Main stage] Virtual Ergonomics – SVE project outcome presentations
- Assessment methods in virtual ergonomics (Anna Brolin, Kristin Liljestam)
- Optimizing productivity and human well-being (Aitor Iriondo Pascual)
- Motion prediction of human models (Estela Pérez Luque, Maurice Lamb)
- Gamification of DHM tools (Marie Schnell, Lars Hanson)
10:25 – 12:00 Track B [Ventilen] Virtual Production (associate prof. Masood Fathi)
Lunch, lab tour and demos, one-to-one meetings
Virtual Ergonomics related demos:
- Automating ergonomics assessments in industry
- Modelling visual appearance of human models
- Visual inspection in VR
- Collaborative design reviews in VR
- Digitalizing ergonomics assessment methods
13:15 – 14:00 Guest talk by internationally renowned Professor Enrique Alba from University of Malaga, Spain: ”Smart bio-inspired solutions to important industrial and societal challenges”
14:00 – 14:20 Courses for professionals – WISER
14:20 – 14:50 Panel discussion ”How to Realize a Human-Centric Production?”
14:50 – 15:00 Summary & planned activities, incl. cake to celebrate the successful completion of the Synergy project Virtual Ergonomics.
Contact jenny.lundskog@his.se for questions.
Initiativtagare till ASSAR är Högskolan i Skövde, IDC West Sweden AB, Science Park Skövde AB, Volvo Car Corporation och Volvokoncernen.